Első Emelet - Get away

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Első Emelet
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4466 alkalommal




Pontszám: 15


Live for the moment, forget the lies
The ones you’ve heard of me
Know what you’re lookin’ for, it’s in your eyes
Why don’t you wait and see

I am not worthy for, keepin’ you mine
Givin’ you what you need
You’re like a secret door, I need to find
So I can use the key

We need to getaway, get up and run away
Hide from the world today
Say only what is true, live like we wanted to
Together we will stay

If all your trust is gone, give me the time
To prove my love’s real
How many times before, have you’ve been blind
Why you don’t want to see

We need to getaway, get up and run away
Hide from the world today
Say only what is true, live like we wanted to
Together we will stay
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