Irie Maffia - Slave Song

What's My Name
Előadó: Irie Maffia
Album: What's My Name
Megjelenés: 2009
Hossz: 0:00
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 8649 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Irie Maffia - Slave Song
What I need is a sign
Coz what I see could make you blind.
What we need Is strength
If we want to live we’ve got to learn.
Learning takes so much time you know.
Learning takes too much time you know.
Learning takes so much time you know.
Learning takes too much time you know.
Ooohhhh uuuuuhhhhhh

Columbo: Tell all the people from north to di west with nuff ah stress
deal with the education and pass all your test
nah drop nah tear nah have nah fear
listen up with your hear when mi bawl out she big up your chest
nuff ah dem man dem come and dem
a talk bout dem a gangster bwoy around me
know she we nah chat with nah impostor
why you talk bout war still we have nuff nuff
disaster learn cah dis yah race is getting faster

Sena: You wont believe the kind of things that people do to survive.
Slaving through the day and working all through the
night. You wont believe the kind of anguish that they got in their lives.
And still they wanna work for it.
You wont believe the kind of things that I see on my way.
People are living like their still in chains.
Believe the kind of magic that we got in our eyes,
We wanna work for it!

Busa: Hé te! Dobd a kezed az égbe, fedezékbe
Itt a bátor imitátor, mikrofonnal a jobb kézbe
Kapj észbe, ne légy kemény seggfejkém,
Ami tiéd, a tiéd, ami az enyém, az enyém
Nincs remény beégtél, szabad a légtér, semmi,
semmi kétség
Gyerünk nézz szét, riadókészség 24 órán át
Ki tudja, mikor robban a gránát
Hozzászólás írásához kérjük jelentkezz be!

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