LGT - Surrender To The Heat

Too Long
Előadó: LGT
Album: Too Long
Megjelenés: 1983
Hossz: 5:08
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 4120 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Well it’s summer in the city
People getting down
And the girls are looking pretty
Bodies turning brown
Love is in the air
Feel it everywhere
Truly you can’t fight it
And I touch your body

Lovers walking together
So slow that you can tell
That the warmth of the weather
Has them in its spell
It’s nothing logical
It’s something magical
Got me so excited

Why not surrender to the heat
The atmosphere that’s on the street
Why don’t we grab love while it’s hot
Hey girl – why not?

Don’t you feel it’s kinda lazy
Lying in the sun?
Why don’t we do something crazy
Before the day is done?
We’ve built our love fire high
And it’s so warm and dry
Surely we just light it

Why not surrender to the heat
The atmosphere that’s on the street
Why don’t we grab love while it’s hot
Hey girl – why not?

Don’t the sunshine really make you feel fine?
Don’t it make you want to tell everybody?
It’s a new daze, why don’t you stay?
Don’t you think we all should love somebody?

Love is in the air
Feelt it everywhere
Surely you can’t fight it

Why not surrender to the heat
The atmosphere that’s on the street
Why don’t we grab love while it’s hot
Hey girl – why not?
Eredeti: LGT - Rágógumi megszokás
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