Reflected - Newborn

Here's to You
Előadó: Reflected
Album: Here's to You
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 3:27
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4730 alkalommal




Pontszám: 209


Woken by cold shivers down my spine
can't you see we're standing in a perfect line,
marching to their beat, and I can't hear mine
Screaming to be heard, choked by the crowd,
the sound of the drums made me feel so proud
I thought it was my own heart beating loud
but we're dancing around a growing mushroom cloud

Blue birds fly, breaking through the cloud bank where the
Sun shines bright, no chains, no bars. Let your
Blue bird fly! It can't soar forever for it's
your own heart, and the blood that's pumping through your veins

Once upon a time, freedom had a price,
and blood was a worthwile sacrifice,
but today I doubt it would suffice.
You won't need a sword, they're never gonna fight,
they'll just sing you to sleep, laughing with delight
and steal it from you. Come spread the light,
to finally end this eternal night

Blue birds fly...

You gotta get up off your knees,
the antidote spreads the disease,
They want you weak, they want you defenceless
It's a new dark age of humanity

Blue birds fly...
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