Ektomorf - Stigmatized video

Előadó: Ektomorf
Album: Redemption
Megjelenés: 2010
Hossz: 4:39
Szövegírók: Farkas Zoltán
Zeneszerzők: Farkas Zoltán
Kiadó: AMF Records
Stílus: Thrash Metal
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3299 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


This is my darkest hour now
I never did this before
But I..I Face All my demons here
Will I make it through the night

I can feel the pain it grows
and I lose the will to fight
no one cares I´m so alone
will make it through the night

Give me more pain I take it
Give me more hate I make it
I´m Stigmatized
I´m Stigmatized

I just want to fall asleep
and dream
That everything is all right
But my through the night

I don´t wanna feel anymore
This is time to say Good bye
Ishould leave this all behind
will I make it throuth the night

Give me more pain I take it
Give me more hate I make it
I´m Stigmatized
I´m Stigmatized

I´m your pain
You are my faults
I´m Regret
You are my god
I´m tears
You are my fears
I´m your eyes

You always blame me start to hate me
You can´t stop fucking around
Why don´t you talk to me
And tell me waht you feel inside
I lost my trust in you
Because you lied to me
Waht do you want from me
Waht do you want from me

I´m Stigmatized
I´m Stigmatized
I´m Stigmatized
I´m Stigmatized

Everything´s so fucked up now
And the mess you left behind
But I will make you hurt
And I´ll make it through the night
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