Omega - Returning To The Garden video

Előadó: Omega
Album: Transcendent
Megjelenés: 1996
Hossz: 5:50
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4319 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Another night.
So silent, so quiet.
It’s a good time to free your mind.
You are at ease
in your garden of peace
and you feel like leaving the ground.

The journey begins
where most journeys end.
You see now there’s so much to learn.
You have to decide
if you enter the gate,
for it’s the point of no return.

A travel into the darkness.
Every star fades away.
A rebel ride across the borders.
Tomorrow’s tunes and songs of yesterday.
Is there somebody out there?
Is there any other game to play?
The fantasy has the power.
Could it help to understand one day
that we stand yet we stray?

There’s more to see
than ever meets the eye.
Behind every new moon
an old sun is in the sky.
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