Muri Enikő - Edge of Glory

Az Első X
Előadó: Muri Enikő
Album: Az Első X
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 0:00
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 3835 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


There ain't a reason you and me should be alone
Tonight, yeah baby
Tonight, yeah baby
But I got a reason that you're who should take me home tonight
I need a man that thinks it right when it's so wrong,
Tonight yeah baby
Tonight, yeah baby
Right on the limit's where we know we both belong tonight

It's hot to feel the rush,
To brush the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall far in love.

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge (6x)
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

Another shot, before we kiss the other side,
Tonight, yeah baby
Tonight, yeah baby
I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight
Alright, alright
Put on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames
Tonight, yeah baby
Tonight, yeah baby
It isn't Hell if everybody knows my name
Tonight, alright, alright

It's hot to feel the rush,
To brush the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall far in love.

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
Out on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge (6x)
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge (6x)
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you
With you (4x)
I'm on the edge with you
With you (4x)
I'm on the edge with you
With you (4x)
I'm on the edge with you
With you (4x)
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