Thy Catafalque - Panta Rhei video

Előadó: Thy Catafalque
Album: Microcosmos
Megjelenés: 2001
Hossz: 9:39
Szövegírók: Kátai Tamás
Zeneszerzők: Kátai Tamás
Kiadó: KaOtic Productions
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2957 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


It is as if lines have to be
drawn in a continually flowing stream,
figures drawn which hold fast between
this reality of life
and the scientific intellect there appears to be
no possibility of comprehension,
for the concept sunders
what is to be unified in the flow of life.
The concept represents something which
is universally and eternally valid,
independent of the mind which propounds it.
But the flow of life is at all points
Unique, every wave in it arises and passes

In the night I swim like in dead water
Petrified lure is the moon
And the silence drives nails into my throat

Immense wisdom in this mute ocean
Flowing through the ditches of time
A substance insubstantial

In the night I swim like in dead water
But aridity's building a mountain in my heart
Darkness is drifting
Sweeping me away with the mire

A brick I would be
In the wall of an old house
Only to see and not to feel
The times desiccated by winter
Only to see and not to feel
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