Galapagos - Heal

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Galapagos
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 5351 alkalommal




Pontszám: 450


heal tell me how can i heal if i am not ill at all but if you tell me so i promise you i will
feel like i taken that pill 'gainst the poisoning boredom of a lonesome cowboy who would kill
let's go shakin' and rollin' the next day i'd be crawling from you to leave me alone
'cause i was smoking a lot and i was up in the air but in the lonely skies i had nothing to say
so i was feeling guilty thought they 'd take me to jail but in the end everything turned a-ok
what for do we want us to fall i wish there was a toll free number for these cases
i could call
and heal tell me how can i heal if i an not ill at all but if you tell me so i promise you
i will
when the days will go faster, i'll bow to you master won't you just leave me alone
cause i was smoking a lot and i was up in the air but in the lonely skies i had nothing to say
so i was feeling guilty thought they 'd take me to jail but in the end everything turned a-ok
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