Boggie - God takes it

Előadó: Boggie
Album: Boggie
Megjelenés: 2013
Hossz: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5337 alkalommal




Pontszám: -



I can’t caress you now
I can’t hold a smile
I can’t embrace you til the end of our life

I can’t touch you now
I can’t yarn you now
I can’t embrace you til the end of our life


Love is over, take it
Love is over, take it
Love is over, take it
God takes it


I can’t be with you now
Not in the here and now
I can’t share with you how I try to get by/survive/I’m getting by

I can’t believe that I
Won’t laugh with you ’bout
The funny twists of life that made us cry


Love is over, take it
Love is over, take it
Love is over, take it
God takes it


I can recall you now
I can hope that I
Will be with you in another life

I can see you now
I know you’re in the sky
I can love you until the end of time


Love is taking over
Love is taking over
Love is taking over now
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