Subliminal Merger - Forgive

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Subliminal Merger
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2758 alkalommal




Pontszám: 27


Now everything can be changed with just one sentence.
I feel this is how our story has to finally end.
In one day I lost everything again, here is nothing left,
And now you can not hear me,
Because you are with him in our old holy bed.

How much do I need to suffer for your happiness?
My hearth my heart makes me vile.
My love survives the end of the fondness.
I am as filthy as life.

Let her go, the Goddess of my broken dreams.
Keep on roll. My home is that where she lives.

As you torrefy my heart,
I wane a little every year,
You leave less and less.
Hope doesn't give happiness.
You want to take away my hate,
That is the only thing left.
I have to give up false goods and
I'll go away and never come back.
When I awake from nightmares,
I notice that reality isn't different.

How much do I need to suffer for your happiness?
My hearth my heart makes me vile.
My love survives the end of the fondness.
I am as filthy as life.

Let her go, the Goddess of my broken dreams.
Keep on roll. My home is that where she lives.

I know, I know I shouldn't love you to really love you too.
I'm taking the road and leaving everything here now.
lasting forever doesn't complete something, but lasting forever marks me.

Let her go, the Goddess of my broken dreams.
Keep on roll. My home is that where she lives.
I love you even if you are with someone else
I left everything here 'cause I understand.

You swaped the past for present,
And you did it again.
The cold floor will soak out...
floor will soak out my pain.
You turned away from me now
As father from his child.
And now I let you go.

Let it go,
The relic of my broken dreams.
I don't want to hold my fears.
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