Joni - Waterfall video




Pontszám: 909


Like a wildflower stuck in a seed
You're kept in the dark, been held there too long
Like a stone heart you're dying to live
The beating is gone, you're still holding on

No, I will never give up give up this fight
And, I just have to get up get up and try

Im standing on the edge of a waterfall
I can see it clearly from above
That I've been holding back for way too long
But nothing's gonna stop me anymore
Im letting go
Im letting go
Like a waterfall

Like a kite being tied by a string
Fighting to fly, you're pulled to the ground
Like a burning star no one has seen
No matter how hard try, you're lost in the sky.

No, I will never give up give up this fight
And, I just have to get up get up and try

Im standing on the edge of a waterfall
I can see it clearly from above
That I've been holding back for way too long
But nothing's gonna stop me anymore
Im letting go
Im letting go
Like a waterfall

When darkness comes
Just light it up
And let it burn
For us for us

When darkness comes
Just light it up
And let it burn
For us for us

Im standing on the edge of a waterfall
I can see it clearly from above
That I've been holding back for way too long
But nothing's gonna stop me anymore
Im letting go
Im letting go
Like a waterfall
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