Szekeres Tamás - Soldier of time video

Blue Syndicate
Előadó: Szekeres Tamás
Album: Blue Syndicate
Megjelenés: 1996
Hossz: 4:46
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Hungaroton
Stílus: Hard rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 6354 alkalommal




Pontszám: 60


Round and round in the pouring rain
without a place to hide.
He doesn’t care about the future
staying on on the downside.
He’s searching through the passing days
for a reason to get by.
Just a face without a name.
Another drop in the ocean.

Unknown soldier of time.
Unknown soldiers of timeless ways.
Unknown children of grief.
Unknown victims of power games.
Tell me your dreams. The darkness surrounds us.
Sometimes I fear we’re all gonna be lost.
Unknown soldier of time.
We’re going down.

Grinding away and wasting years
who can see what’s going on.
The past is dead, the future’s dying.
This is what we call freedom.
He’s searching through the passing days
for a reason to get by.
Just a face without a name.
Another drop in our ocean.

Unknown soldier of time.
Unknown soldiers of timeless ways.
Unknown children of grief.
Unknown victims of power games.
Tell me your dreams. The darkness surrounds us.
Sometimes I fear we’re all gonna be lost.
Unknown soldier of time.
We’re going down.
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