Irie Maffia - Easy as One, Two, Three (Sziget Himnusz 2015) video

Előadó: Irie Maffia
Album: 10
Megjelenés: 2015
Hossz: 3:25
Szövegírók: Sena Dagadu
Kéri András
Zeneszerzők: Szekér Ádám
Élő Márton a.k.a dr. Dermot
Horváth Gáspár a.k.a Jumo Daddy
Kiadó: Szerzői kiadás
Stílus: Elektronikus
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 19902 alkalommal


Csuk Roland

Csuk Roland

Pontszám: 5


If you got love my sister
Spit it on the mic, spit it on the mic
If you got joy my brother
Spit it on the mic, spit it on the mic
if you got the pain my brethren
spit it on the mic, spit it on the mic

you got so many stories
many tears and worries
when the sky get stormy
still light up your flame yeah

you got so many stories
many tears and worries
when the sky get stormy
still light up your flame yeah

come along and be free
i really want to make you see
its easy as one, two, three
come along and be free
i really want to make you see
its easy as one, two, three

when music ah play everybody come close
i love how dem face getting red like a rose
make we gone mad and sweat inna we clothes
we tear down the roof and burn down the house
be what you want to be forget all the rules
gwaan get a drink and your dancing shoes
tell the whole world this is all that you choose
flirt thru the night you got nothing to loose

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

no you cannot resist when your feet get the beat
so come and get some
i give your life a twist but ease your mind i insist
coz all that needs to get done, just got done
and though i aint a preacher, ive been told im like a teacher
very pleased and nice to meet you com on in
and join the picture, now lets fly!
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