Belmondo - Alien

Good... Better... Belmondo! (2xCD)
Előadó: Belmondo
Album: Good... Better... Belmondo! (2xCD)
Megjelenés: 2012
Hossz: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 5, összesen 2770 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Alien dropped on Earth to the North too cold to be home for her

A warmer place she deserves like the arms of a mankind to her

One for me

One for them

All need an alien

A creamy and lenient

Luminous alien

Fearful life's half a life if you don’t dare they wont care any more

Functioning capitol is a must but some of us got sick of it all

All we need

All we can

Do with an alien

A sensible, lenient

Radiant alien

One for me

One for them

All need an alien

A creamy and lenient
Luminous alien

Sober intelligence hard to find makes no sense on the planet

Sneaky like paraffin you have a chance oh, to miss the point of it

One for me

One for them

All need an alien

A creamy and lenient
luminous alien

All we need

All we can

Do with an alien

A sensible, lenient

Radiant alien
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