1. A Nyughatatlan - Wow 0:00 [2012]
2. Ismerős Arcok - Nélküled 5:41 [2010]
3. Kex - Déva vár
Belau - Island Of Promise (Paperdeer Remix)
Szövegírók: |
Hegyi Dóri Hegyi Dóra Zalai Richárd Balázs |
Kedves Péter |
Kiadó: | Keressük! |
Stílus: | Deep House |
Címkék: | Keressük! |
There i'll be spending all my life,
All my life, all my life
Where the ocean meets the skies
There i'll be spending all my life,
All my life, all my life
And now i'm pushing, i'm pushing and
I'm moving you further away from
Being a shade in the corner
Now the wind is pushing,
It's pushing, it's blowing you towards the
Island of promise, silence and solace
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