Insane - The run video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Insane
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1808 alkalommal




Pontszám: 5


The run
You know what you have to do: run!
You’re going step by step until the end of the line!
Before you get lost
int he view of the course
all your muscles tighten.
All you’ve got is the force.
Extasy releases
as you stare into the sun.
You take one deep breath.
You know what you have to do: run!
You’re going step by step until the end of the line!
Air screams in and out.
Your lungs burn like hell
but your presistance doesn`t flag
but your brain is still hitting the bell.
When you forgot to count
it was the forty-first round
Suddenly came the moment
when you fell – to the ground
and fallen
and broken as you lie on the floor and the earth is what you’re choking
you’re shaking you’re crying you’re screaming and you’re choking
As you lie on the floor like the glass that was broken.
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