Mushu - Uncle Tom video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Mushu
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Isak Palmer
Zeneszerzők: Isak Palmer
Kozak Örs
Kert Antal
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: A DAL [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 5250 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I Ain't got time for hanging around
People not knowing when the sun goes down
I worked so hard my nose turned brown,
sniffing people not knowing when the sun go down.

Master, Master I’ve been told
Fetch me silver, grab that gold
I worked so hard with sleeves unrolled
‘Cause I can’t pick cotton if it gets too cold

Master, I must say, you often charge more than you pay
I’d just as soon be on my way
But a Knick-Knack Whipcrack and I stay

Oh My Blisters Bleed
This ain’t the kind of work I need

I’d rather starve than slave all day
You can tax me, torture, but I won’t obey

Cause I ain’t got time for hanging around
People not knowing when the sun goes down
I worked so hard my nose turned brown,
sniffing people not knowing when the sun go down.

Ain’t no Masters, Ain’t no Gods
Let My People Go!
Ain’t no Masters, Ain’t no Gods
Let My People Go!
Ain’t no Masters, Ain’t no Gods
Let My People Go!
Take your chances, snatch the odds
Let My People Go!
If you don’t get fed, what’re you working for ?
Let My People Go!
Well I’d shine your shoes and shovel snow,
but it’s 6pm, I’ve got a life at home

Cause I ain’t got time for hanging around
People not knowing when the sun go down
I worked so hard my nose turned brown,
sniffing people not knowing when the sun go down.
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