Wisdom - Secret Life video

Rise Of The Wise
Előadó: Wisdom
Album: Rise Of The Wise
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: 03:09
Szövegírók: Molnár Máté (Road)
Zeneszerzők: Kovács Gábor
Kiadó: Nail Records
Stílus: Heavy/Power Metal
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2754 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I am the great pharaoh
Building my tomb for tomorrow
I am the last true knight
Prepared to fight tonight

I am the Raven King
Killing the black bird for my ring
I am the hand of Fate
Bringing the end of days

You say with evil irony this is just fantasy
What if you free your mind and try to see?

Magic and lights, stories and lies
Anything goes in my secret life
When the night falls and the dark grows
Anything goes in my secret life

I am the son of God
You eat my flesh and drink my blood
I am the old wise man
Teaching the best I can
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