Blahalouisiana - In Lambaréné video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Blahalouisiana
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4075 alkalommal




Pontszám: 520


Jesus went to paradise
He said it was OK
But he came back yesterday

When I asked him about life
He slowly turned to me
This is what he answered me

My heart is burning a hole
When i see i just know
What you're doing is wrong
You can't stand me now

Why do we act so tough
We could live our life as one
There's nothing else in the world
To it when it's done

Jesus went to paradise
He said it was a long way
But he had it twice 'cause he couldn't stay
When i asked him about love
He slowly turned to me
This is what he answered me

My heart is burning a hole
When i see i just know
What you're doing is wrong
You can't stand me now

Why do we act so tough
We could live our life as one
There's nothing else in the world
To it when it's done
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