Varga Viktor - Waited all my life video

Lehet zöld az ég
Előadó: Varga Viktor
Album: Lehet zöld az ég
Megjelenés: 2010
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Joós István
Kelemen Huba
Szabó Zoltán
Zeneszerzők: Szabó Zoltán (Szabó Zé)
Kelemen Huba
Kiadó: Magneoton
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 11386 alkalommal




Pontszám: 12


I've waited all my life
for this time to come.
I see a brighter day,
it's starting to dawn.

And I'm flying high
on the edge of my seat
just knowing you love me
it's all that i need.

waking up I'm rolling out a bed
pull the blinds gotta let
some sunlight in
I've never seen a day so perfect.

Mile wide smile upon my face
never thought everything
would fall in place
and looking back it seems so crazy

My world was dipped
in black and white
only shades of grey

Then color finally found
it's way into the paint.

I've waited all my life
for this time to come.
I see a brighter day,
it's starting to dawn.

Now I'm flying high
on the edge of my seat
just knowing you love me
it's all that i need.

you see me on the mic
up here on the stage
I started on the streets
but I'm still the same.

I promise that I'm just like you, you,you!
I maybe rolling
all around the world

First class, cadilacs
gorgeous girls
but nothing's ever
gonna change me.

It started witf a simple need
my love to sing
I never dreamed that
you would sing along with me

I've waited all my life
for this time to come.
I see a brighter day,
it's starting to dawn.

Now I'm flying high
on the edge of my seat
just knowing you love me
it's all that i need.

Even if the sun stopped shining
you'd find me dancing in the rain
as longs as the music's playing
Baby I'm OK!

I've waited all my life
for this time to come.
I see a brighter day,
it's starting to dawn.

Now I'm flying high
on the edge of my seat
just knowing you love me
it's all that i need.

I've waited all my life
for this time to come.
I see a brighter day,
it's starting to dawn.

and I'm flying high
on the edge of my seat
just knowing you love me
it's all that i need.

I've waited all my life
for this time to come.
I see a brighter day,
it's starting to dawn.

and I'm flying high
on the edge of my seat
just knowing you love me
it's all that i need.

it's all that i need.
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