Omega - The Magician (A bűvész)

The Hall Of Floaters In The Sky (LP)
Előadó: Omega
Album: The Hall Of Floaters In The Sky (LP)
Megjelenés: 1975
Hossz: 6:03
Szövegírók: Sülyi Péter
Molnár György
Kóbor János
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Bellaphon
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 6955 alkalommal




Pontszám: 4 837


Watch carefully, the magician has appeared
To start with his spectacle
He bows and to the four corner of the world
Flashes his teeth

Literally, the whole wide world
Lies at his feet and observes
It is no wonder if the magician fancies
The stage of life

He is the one, who made sure, however he cheats
You never but never but never become mad at it
"Everyone look at my hands!" he says this 'cause he knows
From below you will not even notice the importance

We applaud at the old tricks
Every one gets a good laugh
We applaud that there are so many rabbits
We can not even move

And if you don't watch, he'll even
Dare to steal one of your eyes
And he will only let you have the other one
Just to see him and celebrate

He is the one, who made sure, however he cheats
You never but never but never become mad at it
"Everyone look at my hands!" he says this 'cause he knows
From below you will not even notice the importance.
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