Omega - Tomorrow (Levél - Poste Restante) video

Előadó: Omega
Album: Transcendent
Megjelenés: 1996
Hossz: 3:54
Szövegírók: Sülyi Péter
Edwin Balogh
Zeneszerzők: Kóbor János
Kiadó: Hungaroton
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 8058 alkalommal




Pontszám: 60


Too crazy to comprehend,
This place is a gateway to pleasure,
There just is no way to fight it,
You're trapped a victim of your own desire.

She's dirty, she wants you to
Poses every inch of her body,
She shoots you with her poisoned arrow,
You're wild, you take her in the steaming backroom.

It is out of your hands,
You know, you will regret what you're doing tonight,
But you're feeling so high,
So cool and you don't think about tomorrow.
Now you don't think about tomorrow.
Now you don't think about tomorrow.

The day breaks, you're walking home,
And guilt follows you like a shadow,
It's far too late for poor excuses,
You're trapped victimised by your desire.

It is out of your hands,
You know, it is the same thing all over tonight,
You'll be feeling so high,
So cool and you won't think about tomorrow.
So high, so cool and you won't think about tomorrow.
Now you won't think about tomorrow.
You don't think about, you don't think about tomorrow.
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