Jolly Jackers - John Not The Silver video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Jolly Jackers
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1912 alkalommal




Pontszám: 104


I’m not John Silver not the long not the short.
I’m not a pirate and not yet a ghost
I ain’t got a house, I ain’t got a home
Nobody knows where my story goes.
I meet her at the pub when the sun goes down
We’re singin’ and dancin’ and I hold her tight.
Fiddler play your fiddle, don’t let us down.
Just keep playin’ our songs louder tonight.

John-Not-The-Silver shinin’
Shinin’ at the pub swinging high swinging low
John-Not-The-Silver shinin’
Don’t stop the song, just go, go, go!

She’s not a princess, she’s not a whore.
She’s not so pretty, but she’s not a bore.
She ain’t got a house, she ain’t got a home
Nobody knows where her story goes.
She meets me at the pub when the sun goes down.
We’re singin and dancing and I hold her tight.
Whistler play your whistle, don’t let us down.
Just keep playin’ our song louder tonight!
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