Antares - There will be someone

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Antares
Album: InSanity
Megjelenés: 2021
Hossz: 6:18
Szövegírók: Kolosai Ferenc "Fecó"
Zeneszerzők: Kolosai Ferenc "Fecó"
Kovács Botond "Boti"
Pap Dávid "Page"
Dér Dávid "Dér"
Kiadó: Szerzői kiadás
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1895 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Some say they just words
What you’ve never said before
Sometimes you say:
Don’t want to hear them more

How long can you hold on
When you’ll taste the other-side
When you wanna do something different, or not so innocent
and it’s on you to decide

Read all the books
and maybe you’ll find an excuse
Theres got to be someone else
Who could not refuse
A spark in a look
A charm in a smile
You’ve got weak because
You haven’t had this for a while
There are bad and worse decisions
but you have to pick a side
But promise me you won’t act like a child

Cause there will be someone
Who can make you try
To lie to the someone
Who suppose to smile

And there will be no one
Who will testify
It's on you what you have done
No more alibi

Read all the books
and maybe you’ll find an excuse
Theres got to be someone else
Who could not refuse
A spark in a look
A charm in a smile
You’ve got weak because
You haven’t had this for a while
There are bad and worse decisions
but you have to pick a side
But promise me you won’t act like a child

Cause there will be someone
Who can make you try
To lie to the someone
Who suppose to smile

And there will be no one
Who will testify
It's on you what you have done
No more alibi

Comin’ from behind
and you’re not even hard to find if you’re standin’ here right where it’s started
and you will be haunted
please don’t pretend that you are over it, killin’ it, holdin’ on

You’re not hard to find, if you are standin’ here right where it’s started
You’re not hard to find, if you are standin’ here right where it’s started
right where it’s started
You’re not hard to find, if you are standin’ here right where it’s started
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