Baba Yaga - So Ends Another Day

Baba Yaga
Előadó: Baba Yaga
Album: Baba Yaga
Megjelenés: 1992
Hossz: 07:19
Szövegírók: Bornai Tibor
Zeneszerzők: Jamie Winchester
Kiadó: Red-Rock Production
Stílus: világzene
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2430 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Stay, enjoy the fading light of day
the light that catches int he sky
and int o hell it slips away.
Lamplight, it never helped me through the night
the thoughts refuse to go away
they come to tell me you were right, always.

If someone tells me what to say
what’s the difference anyway
I try to find the time of day
that’s intimately mine
freedom for my mind
the ending of the journey into night
so ends another day.

I understand that you refuse to take a stand
but I can still believe I’m right
though I can never hold your hand.
Stay, enjoy the fading light of day,
you’ll never need to tell me why
just never try to walk away
and I can love the setting sun
and not be waiting for the day.

If someone tells me what to say
what’s the difference anyway
I try to find the time of day
that’s intimately mine
freedom for my mind
the ending of the journey into night
so ends another day.
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