Antonia Vai - Snow White

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Antonia Vai
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Antonia Vai
Zeneszerzők: Antonia Vai
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2133 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


Oh, I need to remember what I’m in the game for
Need to remember what moved me here
Need to remember what I’m in the game for
Need to remember how I got here

When they try to pull me
In every direction
When all my heads fool me
Rambling in tongues
Have I not walked by
All these trees before?
Can I trust my ghosts enough to find the way back home?

Don’t know how to not to stand in your way
To find the way back home
Don’t know how to not to stand in your way
To find the way back home
Don’t know how to not to stand in your way
Find the way back home
Don’t know how to not to stand in your way

How many howlings have I run away from?
How many tree-roots have I stumbled on?
How many darknening skies, curled up by the thorns
How many dangers lurking since I was born?

Hey, be a stranger
Point me directions
Tell me you know these trails lead to something good
If there’s a way out
Let me clear my mind enough to reach it
Could you stay with me ’til I find the way back home?

Don’t know how to not to stand in your way
‘Til I find the way back home
Don’t know how to not to stand in your way
Find the way back home
Don’t know how to not to stand in your way
‘Til I find the way back home
Don’t know how to not to stand in your way

How naive I been walking around
Thinking there’s no shadow following me
How naive I been walking around
Thinking there’s no shadow following me
How naive I been walking around
Thinking there are no shadows following me
How naive I been walking around
Thinking there are no shadows following me
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