Neochrome - Angerseed

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Neochrome
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4487 alkalommal




Pontszám: 551


Well, I lost all my hope and faith
I have nothing to lose
Look at my empty hands:
I sacrificed my goods on the altar of confidence

But I don't mind
Maybe it's my fate
I can't see the connections
Now the fable ends, but where are the lessons?

I have never seen an angel
I can believe no more in people
They are rooted in my soul
The Seeds Of Anger!

Anger, holy anger, show me the way
How could I be cleaned from the filth
Now I forget the social expectations
I rely only on my original intuitions

Angerseed lives deeply inside me
Compassion slowly dies
Forgiveness seems to be away from me
There's no place for infirmity

Where is the cure
Which could reassure my soul?
I don't have patience
No longer, no more

I wan't to leave this place
This is not my world
I must escape from here
This is not my life!

I am very sad and angry
Because of human nature
What the hell shall I do against
Our threatening future?!

We live in controlled daze
The system works perfectly
But it can suddenly change
By a grain of dust among the rusty gogwheels

I would refuse the
Principle of submission
I prefer trying to annihilate
The radical indifference

Unequal rights, senseless fights
Racism, hate all over the world
Where's the end of our dreadful atrocities?
Can we change our guilty approach to life?

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