Cloud 9+ - Hide the Pain video

Előadó: Cloud 9+
Album: Mixtape
Megjelenés: 2019
Hossz: 3:26
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4133 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I’ve been stuck in my head
I’m bleeding
I can't do this shit on my own
I’m just stuck in my thoughts
Nothing can save me
You'd better run run before I’m gone

You call me anything you want, but I'll never hide
You call me anything you want, but I'll never hide
You call me anything I wanna be, never hide
You're insane, You're insane

Never hide the pain...

I was the last to know
Why did nobody tell me
She just walked away
When we were not okay
Anyway, now my hopes are gone
You shot me down, your soul is a gun
And trying to kill me
This fear is neverending
Feels like a bird who can’t ever be landing
This song flows through my veins
But I can’t hide the pain

I’m just stuck in my head
I’m bleeding
I cant do this shit on my own
I’m just stuck in my thoughts
Nothing can save me
You'd better run run before I’m gone

You call me anything you want, but I'll never hide
You call me anything you want, but I'll never hide
You call me anything I wanna be, never hide
You're insane, you're insane
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