Muri Enikő - I Will Love Again

Az Első X
Előadó: Muri Enikő
Album: Az Első X
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 0:00
Szövegírók: Paul Barry
Mark Taylor
Zeneszerzők: Paul Barry
Mark Taylor
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 9274 alkalommal




Pontszám: 557


Did I ever tell you how you live in me
every waking moment, even in my dreams
and if all this talk is crazy and you don't know what I mean
does it really matter just as long as I believe.

I will love again
though my heart is breaking
I will love again
stronger than before
I will love again
even if it takes a lifetime to get over you
heaven only knows
I will love again

People never tell you the way they truly feel
I would die for you gladly if I knew it was for real
So if all this talk sounds crazy and the words don't come out right
does it really matter if it gets me through this night

I will love again
though my heart is breaking
I will love again
stronger than before
I will love again
even if it takes a lifetime to get over you
heaven only know
I will love again

If I'm true to myself nobody else
Can take the place of you
But I've got to move on
Tell me what else an I do

I will love again
Though my heart is breaking
I will love again
Stronger than before
I will love again
Even if it takes a lifetime to get over you
Heaven only knows
I will love again
I will love again
I will love again
(I will love again)

One day I know
I will love again
(I will love again)
You can't stop me from loving again
breathing again
feeling again
I know one day
I will love again
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