Éliás Gyula Jr. feat. Fourtissimo - Run to you video

Album: nincs kép
Szövegírók: Király Martina
éliás Gyula
Zeneszerzők: Éliás Gyula Jr.
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: funky
Címkék: érzelmes, eurovízió, lendületes, remény, szerelmes [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 4894 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I'm gonna run to you,
give me time and I will make it, it's true
I'm gonna make it through
You know all I ever do is run

You gave me time for being lonely
You need a dream about us only
You wanted no one else to hold me
We'll make it feel, I know

I'm gonna run to you,
I've gotta run to you
give me time and I will see you through
Well I'm gonna run to you
I've gotta run to you
give me time and I will make it, it's true

Been stabbed in the back, baby
Worst times ever had maybe
I knew all the time

I'm coming back to you
Will be playing by the rules
We'll make it I feel

You gave me time for being lonely
You need a dream about us only
You wanted no one else to hold me
We'll make it feel, I knew

I'm gonna run to you,
I've gotta run to you
give me time and I will see you through
I'm gonna run to you
I've gotta run to you
give me time and I will make it, it's true

We had the thrill of
good times, infatuation it's true
But now I feel love
And I now my destination is you.

I'm gonna run to you,
I've gotta run to you
give me time and I will see you through
I'm gonna run to you
I've gotta run to you
give me time and I will make it, it's true

I'm gonna run to you

give me time and I will see you through
well, I'm gonna run to you
I've gotta run to you

Oh I gonna run, run, run
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