Apey and the Pea - Slaves video

Előadó: Apey and the Pea
Album: HEX
Megjelenés: Keressük!
Hossz: 3:24
Szövegírók: Áron András
Zeneszerzők: Áron András
Prepelicza Zoltán
Makai László
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Metál
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 7368 alkalommal




Pontszám: 69


I am summoning Christ in the name of the lord, sickening all the slaves.
Dig deeper the hole whore slit the cross in, sanctuary's plague.

I came to perish this land in the name of the lord, sickening all the slaves. Hail Satan, Behold the awaited, marching up in the skies.

I've been called by the mountain. The blackened cross, ruin.
You've been chosen to slay them. The crooked cross, ruined.
I've been called by the mountain. The blackened cross, ruin.
You've been chosen to slay them, the fucking cross, ruined.
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