Hooligans - Steps of Champions video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Hooligans
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 4, összesen 2081 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


In the Steps of Champions
In the Steps of Champions
We will walk, tall and proud
To the place where the story begins

In the Steps of Champions
In the Steps of Champions
We will reach to the top of the sky
Where the glory road ends
In the land of the free
Where the brave heart wins

I feel the fire inside me
Igniting my soul
Heroes and legends before me
Have left on my road

And I’ve worked day and night
All my life for the pride of my nation
Got my eyes on the gold
And I won’t stop till I bring it home

In the Steps of Champions
We’re gonna fight
Follow the light to the end
In the Steps of Champions
In the land of the free
We will be heroes again
Where the brave heart wins

I feel adrenaline rushing
Like fuel through my veins
I’m set on all systems go
And I brake through these chains
In the heat of the moment
The only component is passion
With the wind on my back
I feel safe cause the future is mine

In the Steps of Champions
We’re gonna fight
Follow the light to the end
In the Steps of Champions
In the land of the free
We will be heroes again

In the Steps of Champions
In the Steps of Champions
We will reach to the top of the sky
Where the glory road ends
In the land of the free
Where the brave heart wins

In the Steps of Champions
We’re gonna fight
Follow the light to the end
In the Steps of Champions
In the land of the free
We will be heroes again
Where the brave heart wins
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