Insane - Hocus - Pocus video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Insane
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 11808 alkalommal




Pontszám: 46


Once upon a time when the stars stop shine
These all by reason
You are close to reveal all questions
and a picture starts to burn
This time you have to scream loud

Hold on I can not feel
Keep on I will find you
Things are see-through
There is nothing mire I can tell you
I thought we are not breakthrough
There is no time for rescue

Will we ever
Will we never
Will we ever
Will we never get

Hold on I can not feel
Keep on I will find you
Things are see-through
There is nothing mire I can tell you
I thought we are not breakthrough
There is no time for rescue

Why the hell you do this again
I feel like I'm in chees
Who can be trusted
What signs should be followed
Which path could be walked on
What's coming next
This is the stress
Can you take a breath

My motionless rage
inside is crawling
If I could tear it out

Will we ever
Will we never
Will we ever
Will we never get
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