Mantra Porno - Green Legion dalokhu video




Pontszám: 101


you can't go out
when the light is red, I look further
but isn't make me sad.
don't be afraid
show me your fun face
changing come always.

Now, you can start
not now read a Sartre
if you must, hear a heart radio!

Go, the light is green
And green is a color queen
Sing a song of a greenlegion.

Try, be lovesamurai
You can't me lie, but you will try
We are good people

Fly, day and night
The sky is high, but if you try
Don't give up to touch it now!

If everybody's here, now this is greenside
Colorqueen change we lovechild
The red lamps play with me
We find a last sed people, he need samurai
Who have more green, paint him, give smile

Now, you can start
not now read a Sartre
if you must, hear a heart radio!

Go, the light is green
And green is a color queen
Sing a song of a greenlegion.

Try, be a lovesamurai
You can't me lie, but you will try
We are good people

Fly, today and night
The sky is high, and if you try
Don't give up to touch it now!
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