Anna & the Barbies - Beside You video

Gyáva forradalmár
Előadó: Anna & the Barbies
Album: Gyáva forradalmár
Megjelenés: 2010
Hossz: 3:16
Szövegírók: Pásztor Anna
Pásztor Sámuel
Zeneszerzők: Pásztor Anna
Pásztor Sámuel
Kiadó: CLS Records
Stílus: Alternatív
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 14973 alkalommal




Pontszám: 8 838


won't you let me lay down here beside,
lay down here beside,
hide me when my world's on fire
won' you let me lay down here beside
lay down here beside,
save me from my own satire

ten-nine-eight...the time is getting late
nine-eight-seven...only sinners go to heaven
six-six-six...makes you wanna get a fix
five-five-fight!...doin' wrong will get you right

i'm the one to blame, i'm the evil cain
soul to soul to spread, catch my burning flame
me myself and i, it takes three to play
my brain's a battlefield, watch me loose the game

the one without the name, brain behind the game,
biest that can't be tamed, ya souls im here to claim
you'll all end up the same, ya' fears will fuel my flame
burn baby burn......again and again and again

four times four...sixteen inch to reach the door
three feel free...who you never wanna be
two by what you wanna do
one by one...loose the leash and you'll be gone

i'm the one to blame, i'm the evil cain
soul to soul to spread, catch my burning flame
me myself and i, it takes three to play
my brain's a battlefield, watch me loose the game

i have made it all the way
just to throw it all away
seeing so much made me blind,
mow i'm tired of the game,
but i'm the only one to blame,
cause i'm about to loose my mind

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