Rami - My love is not for sale video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Rami
Album: Szeress forrón!
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 3:47
Szövegírók: Kasai Jnofinn
Zeneszerzők: Szabó Zoltán (Szabó Zé)
Kiadó: mTon
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3444 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Touch my body like you do
Make me ooh
When you’re near me I feel good
I can’t get you into or out of my head
You play with my mind while you sleep in my bed
It’s so crazy, things get hazy
If only one time you’d just make up your mind
Forget all the fighting you fool
It’s so easy when I’m in the mood

My love is not for sale
You won’t get too far
Take your time boy, easy; don’t you speed in your car
My love is not retail; don’t look for me in a bar
Watch me do my nails while I snatch you with my heart

Its all or nothing with this girl made of pearl
Just give me something I can learn, not get burned
Let’s make it better while spending some time
I’ll write you a lyric , you sing me a rhyme.
In the mean-time and between time,
I’ll put on my make up and color my hair
You’ll tell me what time to be there
Love’s so easy with someone who cares

My love is not for sale
You won’t get too far
Take your time boy, easy; don’t you speed in your car
My love is not retail; don’t look for me in a bar
Watch me do my nails while I snatch you with my heart

Yesterday may be too late
To eat what may be on your plate
But not to worry babe
Show what you got in your heart
Be honest and true from the start
Only and clown and a fool could be jealous and cruel, ooh!

My love is not for sale
You won’t get too far
Take your time boy, easy; don’t you speed in your car
My love is not retail; don’t look for me in a bar
Watch me do my nails while I snatch you with my heart
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