Chronology - The Eye Of Time video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Chronology
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Cserfalvi Zoltán
Kiss Zoltán
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2458 alkalommal




Pontszám: 60


The time, the ages - they're waiting for me
Like a book, like pages - and I will read them all.
They'll show the secrets I've never seen before
Hesitation and regret are all behind me now.

Don't want me to stay away,
I've got the chance I have to try.

Eye of time - you are mine
Take me where I want to be.
Eye of time - you are mine
I've got the key.
Eye of time - you are mine
Show me what I want to see
Eye of time - you are mine
You own my mind.

My thougts, my feelings they're rushing all around
The work that I've done at last pays me the price
I found the only path that leads to new dimensions
Maybe there's no way back, maybe it's a one way street.

Don't want me to stay away,
I've got the chance I have to try.

Eye of time - you are mine
Take me where I want to be.
Eye of time - you are mine
I've got the key.
Eye of time - you are mine
Show me what I want to see
Eye of time - you are mine
You own my mind.

Eye of time - you are mine
Take me where I want to be.
Eye of time - you are mine
I've got the key.
Eye of time - you are mine
Show me what I want to see
Eye of time - you are mine
You own my mind.

My thougts, my feelings they're rushing all around
The work that I've done at last pays me the price
I found the only path that leads to new dimensions
Maybe there's no way back, maybe it's a one way street.

Eye of time - you are mine
Take me where I want to be.
Eye of time - you are mine
I've got the key.
Eye of time - you are mine
Show me what I want to see
Eye of time - you are mine
You own my mind.
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