Black Veil Brides - Saviour video

Set the World on Fire
Előadó: Black Veil Brides
Album: Set the World on Fire
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 4:25
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 6128 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I never meant to be the one who kept you from the dark
But now I know my wounds are sown because of who you are
I will take this burden on and become the holy one
But remember I am human and I'm bound to sing this song

So hear my voice,
Reminds you not to bleed
I am here

Saviour! Will be there
When you are feeling alone, ohhh
A saviour, for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm

So here I write my lullaby, to all the lonely ones
Remember as you learn to try to be the one you love
So I can take this pen and teach you how to live
But what is left unsaid, the greatest gift I gave.

So hear my voice
Reminds you not to bleed
I am here
Saviour! Will be there
When you are feeling alone, ohhh
A saviour for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm

Saviour! Will be there
When you are feeling alone, ohhh
A saviour for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm

When I hear your cries:
Praying for life
I will be there.

When I hear your cries:
Praying for life
I will be there!!!

I will be there!
I will always be there!
I will be there!
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