Gájer Bálint - Speedbump video

Swing\'N Pop
Előadó: Gájer Bálint
Album: Swing\'N Pop
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: 2:55
Szövegírók: Johnny K. Palmer
Zeneszerzők: Éliás Gyula Jr.
Kiadó: Universal Music Hanglemezkiadó Kft.
Stílus: funky, soul, jazz, pop
Címkék: A DAL [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4040 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Freedom, this is what I need
This is all I’m longing for
People just don’t understand
I already closed that door

You know that I’ve been low, low, low
But now that’s over, I’ve moved on

Won’t find me crying, crying, baby
‘Cause I know that
the sun gonna shine
And I’ll be flying, flying, baby
You can’t slow me down,
no, I ain’t wasting time

Speed bump, that is all it was
I never gave it too much thought
I need some fire in my veins
I’m just having too much fun

You know that I’ve been low, low, low
But now that’s over, I’ve moved on

Won’t find me crying, crying, baby
‘Cause I know that
the sun gonna shine
And I’ll be flying, flying, baby
You can’t slow me down,
no, not this time

Won’t find me crying, crying, baby
‘Cause I know that
the sun gonna shine
And I’ll be flying, flying, baby
You can’t slow me down,
no, I ain’t wasting time

No no no, I won’t cry anymore
Those days are over, I’m on a roll
No no no, I won’t cry anymore
Those days are over

You know that I’ve been low, low, low
But now that’s over, I’ve moved on

Won’t find me crying, crying, baby
‘Cause I know that
the sun gonna shine
And I’ll be flying, flying, baby
You can’t slow me down,
no, not this time

Won’t find me crying, crying, baby
‘Cause I know that
the sun gonna shine
And I’ll be flying, flying, baby
You can’t slow me down,
no, I ain’t wasting time

(Won’t find me crying, crying, baby)
You can’t slow me down,
no, I ain’t wasting time
(And I’ll be flying, flying, baby) Oh…
You can’t slow me down,
no, not this time

You’re just a speed bump
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